July 28, 2009

☆ Last Smile [wip]

"Last Smile"
Vocaloid: Miku Hatsune
Requested by: x1Bella1x

Ah! I love this! x1Bella1x suggested this song to me and I'd never heard of it until now. Needless to say it's being added to my request list. Does anyone know who the original composer was? If so, I'd love some sort of clue.

I started working on the lyrics, but they're not completely finished. I've got an oral surgery coming up, so I won't be able to sing this out for a little while. To be honest, that makes me sad. Also, wanted to say that I really appreciate motokokusanagi2009's help with some of the translation work. It, like Strobe Nights, was another one of those songs that (at its time before popularity swung it into high gear with Project Diva) was hard to find proper translations for. It was all some sort of metaphorical mess that made no sense when it was transposed from Japanese into English.

I'm still looking for the off~vocal file of this track if anyone has it. I can't seem to find it and even my followers on twitter are out on their luck. If anyone has it, I'd appreciate it!

At this time, I don't have a completion date for this one, but I'll keep up with progress reports like always.


  1. Hey!
    Here's the off-vocal version -

    Could you please post the lyrics? I've searching all over, but I can't find them anywhere!

  2. rockleetist, when are you going to upload this T-T <|3
    almost two years. wish i could hear this soon.
    i miss your uploads in youtube.
